Completely revised for Final Cut Pro X and featuring acute new footage, this best-selling, Apple-certified adviser provides a able foundation in all aspects of video editing. Renowned columnist Diana Weynand starts with basal video alteration techniques and takes readers all the way through Final Cut Pro's able features.
Each affiliate presents a complete assignment in an aspect of video alteration and finishing, application able advertisement footage. The book covers Final Cut Pro's agitative new features, including a absolutely redesigned interface, humans detection, and Magnetic Timeline.
В· DVD-ROM includes assignment and media files for over 40 hours of training
В· Focused acquaint yield you step-by-step through professional, real-world projects
В· Accessible autograph appearance puts an able adviser at your side
В· Ample illustrations and keyboard shortcuts advice you adept techniques fast
В· Assignment goals and time estimates advice you plan your time
· Affiliate analysis questions abridge what you’ve abstruse and adapt you for the Apple Certified Pro Exam
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