Pulmonary and Analytical Affliction Medicine--with all the ascendancy of HARRISON'S
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Featuring the capacity on pulmonary and analytical affliction anesthetic that arise in Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17e, this bunched analytic accompaniment delivers the latest ability in the field, backed by the accurate accuracy and believability that accept authentic Harrison's. Inside you'll acquisition advantage that reflects the ability of acclaimed editors and contributors--presented in a carry-anywhere architecture that makes it ideal for the classroom, the wards, or exam/certification preparation.
Current, complete advantage of need-to-know pulmonary and analytical affliction anesthetic topics, including analysis of respiratory disorders, diseases of the respiratory system, and accepted analytical illnesses and syndromes
Integration of pathophysiology with analytic administration capacity in anniversary of the disease-oriented topics
114 high-yield questions and answers fatigued from Harrison's Principles of Internal Anesthetic Self-Assessment and Board Review, 17e
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45 capacity accounting by physicians who accept fabricated seminal contributions to the physique of ability in their areas of expertise
References adapted back the advertisement of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17e
Helpful addendum of class ethics of analytic importance
The Harrison's specialty alternation is accounting by the world-renowned columnist aggregation who brought you Harrison's Principles of Internal Anesthetic 17e:
Anthony S. Fauci, MD
Eugene Braunwald, MD
Dennis L. Kasper, MD
Stephen L. Hauser, MD
Dan L. Longo, MD
J. Larry Jameson, MD, PhD
Joseph Loscalzo, MD, PhD
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