An excerpt from this e book, about African-American characters, was used January 31, 2,000 in a state-large Illinois third-grade studying standards test. 70,000 Illinois youngsters acquired this check excerpt, in which the testers reillustrated the story without permission and changed the characters to Causcasians. I wrote the ebook with great care, and with the hope that many kids will establish with my characters who're courageous and successful and properly-liked. Over 200,000 copies of the e-book have been sold. I know from my fan mail that many children of all races do establish with the characters. It should have been painful for a lot of of them to see their heroes turned white on a check--and for others who know the ebook, it should have been distracting at the least. One of the testers' three new illustrations shows the brothers within the story enjoying baseball. Eight books in regards to the characters have been published up to now (there will be a brand new one next 12 months)--and in none of them do the characters play baseball. The testers developed their check questions primarily based on a three-web page excerpt from the e book; that they had by no means even seen a duplicate of the entire guide (thus the error in race), much less learn it. It's quite doable that a child who had learn the ebook would give completely different answers to the check questions primarily based on his knowledge, and that the testers, of their ignorance, would mark it wrong. In many states, statewide exams are very severe these days--youngsters are stigmatized for low scores, and teachers lose their jobs. But it seems that the assessments are rapidly and thoughtlessly constructed and penalize good readers. Parents and all of us concerned with schooling have to know what sort of assessments youngsters are being subjected to. --anncameron@guate.web
I have learn this ebook with my second and third graders for years. We now have laughed over the cat-a-log cats and the trials of Julian together with his younger brother and buddy, Gloria. They're such good stories, we do not want them to end. When my kindergartener grandson read the caveman tooth story, he stomach laughed. The complex shocking vocabulary is pure joy! I'd love to see Ann Cameron write extra stories.
More details about this bookorDownload more stories julian tells PDF Ebook:http://prefiles.com/v0ro5lj41tew/Ann.Cameron.Julian.and.Huey.03.Julians.Glorious.Summer.retail.epub.rar